Sunday, July 16, 2006


uniteresting moments sometimes converge in potential to spark interest. shortly a while back, i was sharing my fascination to corrupt young beings. nestled from the pain and brain wracking condition of pushing thirty. while it doesnt seem much i find myself fascinated at the same time seduced into the very idea of being aroung your inexperienced arms. how much years and tears i actually have ahead of you. i am too much having fun with the cruelty of my apperance. i know i may not seem to know much, i have been frustrated enough to wish for a corruptible heart to take the place of my perceptible mind. someone who will be where i once was.
i can never bring back lost moments that i should have just asked.
yet, i seem to survive quite fine from this unexpected regret passing through the ginza line, early morning strip theaters, men lining up if only to assure their seats in their 30-minute suspension of impending reality. how involved and inexplicable. despite my expectation, my craving and prediposition to sweet love, my car interior designer gave the freedom that no one else has even thought about...sometimes, it's ok not to have a heart. what can a heart do when burdened by fear and obligation? nothing but empty words, meaningless phrases, rehearsed affection.

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